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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

The female colleague eventually admits to having baselessly accused the politician of sexual assault, clearly in an effort to boost her own political career, and the politician’s name is cleared of all wrongdoing.

Notable Hollingshead And Dudley Cases A well-known, Missouri politician is accused by a female colleague of rape. Following a thorough investigation into the matter by both the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and the St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office,

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

$225k settlement

Notable Hollingshead And Dudley Cases A businessman is involved in a partner dispute at a corporation he helped build resulting in the ouster of the businessman. Prior to hiring Hollingshead & Dudley, the corporation was demanding that the businessman pay

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

$85k settlement

Notable Hollingshead And Dudley Cases A veteran detective in a large St. Louis area police department is sexually harassed by his co-workers and supervisors by repeatedly having sexually explicit, homosexual photos, posters, and memes placed on and around his office—the

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

$125k settlement

Notable Hollingshead And Dudley Cases A female flight attendant on the private jet of a well-known Texas oil tycoon is required by the jet’s owner (i.e., the oil tycoon) to, not only watch him engage in extramarital sexual activity with

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

$200k settlement

Notable Hollingshead And Dudley Cases Despite years of exceptional reviews, an insurance professional at a well-known brokerage firm in the St. Louis area is accused by his employer of poor work-product, and as a result of these unfounded allegations, the

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

$502,496.01 jury verdict

Notable Hollingshead And Dudley Cases A bi-racial head of security for a historically black, public Missouri university is discriminated against and wrongfully terminated because she “isn’t black enough.” The woman uproots her family from Virginia to take the security job

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

$376,724.00 jury verdict

Notable Hollingshead And Dudley Cases A highly praised housekeeper at a major St. Louis area hospital with over 15-years on the job suffers from chronic arthritis. For over 14-years, the woman occasional takes, intermittent FMLA leave to attend doctor’s appointments

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