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Criminal Defense Law

Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys in St. Louis & Kansas City

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In Missouri, like most states, there are countless crimes for which you could be charged. Below, we have included the most common crimes, along with additional information about each. Even if your crime is not included in this short list, we handle all types of criminal defense. Call Hollingshead & Dudley today for a consultation.

Assault (Including Domestic)

Being charged with assault is scary. Will you go to jail? Will you get fired from your job? What will your family and friends think? These questions, and many more, are common. Worse yet, being accused of a crime that you didn’t commit can drive you crazy. Our attorneys have successfully represented many clients accused of assault, including domestic assault. If you are being accused of assault, call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.


Many prosecutors aggressively prosecute even the slightest of drug crimes. Fortunately, there are frequently numerous challenges that can be mounted against the government’s evidence in drug cases. Was the search or stop constitutional? Did the defendant know that the drugs were there? Did the government’s crime laboratory properly test the substance to confirm that illegal drugs were present? These questions and more need answers. A knowledgeable defense attorney will challenge the government’s evidence and force them to prove their case. If you are being accused of a drug crime, call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.

Our attorneys and staff are highly discreet. We understand that legal issues and the facts involved are sensitive and oftentimes embarrassing and life altering. Confidentiality is of utmost importance to our firm, and we strictly adhere to our professional and ethical obligations to protect the same.


Being charged with a computer crime can seem overwhelming. You may say, “How can I challenge the government, they’ll just bring in a bunch of computer experts to claim I committed the crime.” Fortunately, even the best prosecutors can have a difficult time understanding the intricacies of computer crimes and jump to conclusions that cannot be substantiated by the evidence. For example, who was using the computer at the time the crime was committed? If you are accused of an internet crime, don’t just give up. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney and force the government to prove its case. Call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.


Nothing is more daunting than facing a murder charge. The government will devote all of its resources in an attempt to convict you. You need an attorney that will fight back. You need an attorney that isn’t afraid to take on the government, even when it stacks the odds against you. If you are accused of murder, call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.


Robbery is a serious crime that needs serious representation. Prosecutors aggressively pursue robbery charges, oftentimes asking for significant prison time. To combat these prosecutors, you need an attorney that will fight for your rights, fully investigate your case and, if necessary, take your case to trial. If you are accused of robbery, call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.

Sex Crimes

Nothing is more stigmatizing and embarrassing than being accused of a sex crime. Prosecutors vigorously pursue these types of cases, oftentimes without regard to the credibility of the victim or “witnesses.” At Hollingshead & Dudley, we aggressively defend sex crimes and work to restore your reputation and clear your name. If you have been accused of a sex crime, call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.


To many people, stealing seems like a small offense. Most people accused of stealing expect to plead guilty, pay a small fine and go about their business. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In Missouri, if you are accused of stealing more than $500 worth of items, you can (and most likely will) be prosecuted under Missouri’s felony theft statute. If the government is successful, you are facing up to seven years in the Missouri Department of Corrections. Worse yet, even for misdemeanor thefts, a conviction could affect your ability to get into certain professions or to get certain jobs. Fortunately, frequently, a skilled attorney can help. If you are charged with any type of theft, call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.

Weapons Offenses

There are numerous weapons offenses, and all of them are serious. For many of these offenses, prosecutors will push for serious prison time. All of them could potentially affect your ability to get certain jobs in the future. Whether you are a convicted felon accused of being in possession of a firearm or a citizen with no criminal history accused of brandishing a firearm, Hollingshead & Dudley is here to help. If you are accused of any weapons offense, call Hollingshead & Dudley for a consultation.

White Collar

White collar cases are frequently complicated, involving complex financial records and financial professionals as witnesses. Defending these types of cases requires a detailed knowledge of finance and accounting. Fortunately, Hollingshead & Dudley is here to help. Mr. Hollingshead has undergraduate degrees in Finance and Economics, a Masters Degree in Business Administration (i.e. an “MBA”), and Mr. Hollingshead did auditing work at Ernst & Young. Our attorneys have the knowledge to sort through complicated financial records, confront difficult witnesses (i.e. fraud investigators or auditors) and locate expert witnesses to assist you in your defense.

In the wake of the many recent Wall Street scandals, state and federal prosecutors are vigorously pursuing white collar crimes. If you have been accused of a white collar crime or believe you may be accused, call Hollingshead & Dudley today for a consultation.

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