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Legal Blog

Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

Proposed MHRA and Arbitration Changes

With the “changing of the guard” at the Missouri governor’s mansion, the Missouri legislature has introduced sweeping changes to Missouri’s anti-discrimination laws, including changes related to the applicability of arbitration clauses that are frequently included in an employee’s employment “contract.”

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

Sex Offense and Felony Drug Charge Dismissed

A client in the St. Louis area was allegedly masturbating in his car at a convenience store. When confronted by officers, the client was apparently (possibly simultaneously) also smoking marijuana in a pipe. He was arrested on the misdemeanor drug

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Hollingshead and Dudley Trial Lawyers Kansas City and Missouri

Should I Blow or Refuse?

This is, by far and away, the most common question we get asked by people. Please understand that the answer to this question is not perfect. There are many factors about your criminal history, family, job, etc. that influence this

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